Tuesday, November 26, 2019


But how come you didn't tell me you were coming to town? It's a good idea. The group's decision is final. Stop being afraid of going after what you want. I love It's sad because you don't see that it's me that gives you that support. I've been singing the Les Miz score since I was in second grade. I think you both are shallow and obnoxious. glee s04e13 music

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And the winner by the closest margin in Midnight Madness history is Mr. I have more diva in my little finger than you have in your whole angry inch, Wade-Unique.

Yeah, but it's, it's about more than just being able to sing. Okay, Rachel, truth time.

So hold the nightmare, but bring the diva. Soon as Brittany realizes that you are the most boring human being on the planet, and that your impressions suck. Sue offered me a job to train to take over the Cheerios after she dies.

Glee recap: Glee recap Diva season four episode thirteen

Divas don't call ex-boyfriends, Tina. Do you really think I can pull this off?

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I can't get married again. I thought we already checked this box.

Glee - S4E13 - Vidéo dailymotion

Okay, I-I need them to be perfect. You guys know it? Now, the playing space has been split into two. Stop being afraid of going after what you want. You really are genius, Brittany.

Afterwards, Sam and Santana hashed out their relationship conflict in the auditorium by having a fight. I'm sorry if I've been musix this week.

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And I love hanging out with you, Blaine. And just when we were getting inseparable. He brought that over-the-top Freddie Mercury spirit to the track, and also played piano. I don't know if you heard, but apparently the revival of Funny Girl is having open s04e113. Look, I think you're just putting too much into this.

Glee recap: Glee recap Diva season four episode thirteen |

Back in Lima, Sue told Santana she found out she had dropped out of school, and offered her a job helping to assist the Cheerios. You would kill it. They have to be perfect and I need them to be perfect. Will you be my date to Mr. Who was your favorite diva?

Glee s04e13 Episode Script

But even if we end up having just a sexless relationship, which many Asian girls and gay men do it'd be worth it. And me, my outfits, and my turtle-face aren't going anywhere.

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Schu in all aspects of his life. This is not a performance, this is a blood sport. By Erin Strecker February 08, at And you're my best friend. Those kids didn't just want to win, they wanted to crush the competition.

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